Monthly Archives: September 2011

Thoughts on TNA Impact (9-29-11)

The pretense of TNA Impact tonight was Hogan had an announcement to make. Unfortunately I don’t care. That’s not a draw to me or most people. Even though AJ vs Bobby Roode was the main event and they did lil segments here and there to hype it, I felt like that was still a back seat to Hogan’s announcement.


This was more hype for Bobby Roode. This was great simply because Sting put heat on the match with Roode vs Angle. Kind of letting the world know Sting vs Hogan will not be the main event of Bound for Glory. It also looked good for Roode to get the rub from Sting. Lets the world know that Roode is the top baby face or will be… Angle came out, AJ came out, but didn’t add much to the segment.


It was an ok match and could have used 5 extra minutes to be good. Austin Aries on commentary did a good job as a heel.


This wasn’t a match, it was the destruction of Ink Inc. I liked this, because it put over Mexican America who really need it.


Two men with their real life wives with them. This was a great segment complete with a pull apart.

FINISH: don’t even remember

Shockingly TNA revisited their history in a video package. It was good… But they can only do this once before it becomes beating a dead horse.

Rayne was all over the ref. It was greatly amusing and original, but they overdid it by the end.


Good, simple half minute segment to say that Daniels vs AJ will happen at Bound for Glory. Daniels is great as this weasel…


Crimson is back from an injury at the hands of Joe… Joe cut a heel promo. Cut down the fans, cut down Crimson’s “streak.” Ends with a 50/50 brawl. Morgan ran out for the save…


Was this match face vs face? I couldn’t tell… one of the two men should have cut down the crowd or something… Devon’s kids are back in the crowd. Good for them.

I just fast forward through Anderson on the Mic. I know where he comes from. I know what his name is. Fans are actually chanting for Anderson… its not piped in. That has to mean something.

I don’t like Anderson, but he’s added more flair to his work in the past few weeks. He’s not as basic.

This match just turns into shit with distractions and interference. It would be one thing if a heel interfered but having 2 outside interferences felt like a bit much.

Heat: D

Throughout the show both men have been backstage. Neither man is drawing heat to their match, but they’re pretty much selling the fact that it will be a real match. No friends.

Heat: F

This segment made little sense since TNA’s token black team have briefly been on the same page.

Heat: C+

I really wish that Bobby had his own shirt instead of generic Impact shirts. This was all about Roode’s training and sacrifice. They had an interview with his wife and showed his kids. This is something that the Khali and Jinder angle could bennefit.

This goes to show that Roode is a normal guy, both in a good and bad way. Its good because it shows he’s real. He’s every man. Its bad where I think it deflated him by making him look so normal. Maybe less family more training….

Heat: C
Match: B

To be honest, I’ve seen too much Bobby Roode over the last 3 weeks. My desire to see him is wavoring. But hopefully this is only temporary. He looks like HHH Jr and that’s probably a great thing. He has the look. He’s a safe guy. His promos have fire. But after these 3 weeks I’m not sure if he should be on top yet. Yet being the key word. Ready or not here he comes… That Bound for Glory was designed to get him ready, but I consider it a failure when Crimson was fake injured and some guys had 10 matches and others had 20.

I feel like I’ve seen 4 side headlock takeovers tonight.

There are AJ & Roode chats, which is good. They did a slow build to this match and picked their spots well. Roode has good quickness and good spring in his selling. Everything is very accurate that Roode does. AJ carried this match and made Roode look good. Roode looked good and made AJ look good. That’s how it should be.

I also think there are too many people hyping up Roode. You’re ready… you’re ready. I guess its better than hearing… you’ll never do it! or jobbing out the contender before the championship match. After the match the question is if AJ brought his best. That shouldn’t be a question. That shouldn’t do a statement. Fluffing up Roode makes me feel like Roode will doubt himself. In fact he looked like he was doubting himself. Its like constant reassurance makes for insecurity.

Heat: A- (even though it was a face promo from a heel)

This is the main event… Hulk’s run is coming to a close… he should sign a WWE legends deal for $10,000 and just be done with it. It was a total face promo… for a heel. Uggg…. Hogan put over Fortune…. and said that he taught everyone he ever knew. Hogan retires… He gets misty. It was very good. He got shaky and announced next week he would be retiring.

Sting is in the back and burries Hogan. He’s done this before where only Sting sees through Hogan’s mist… well it never seems like Hogan is being disingenuous. Sting ruined this.

It was a good show. Sting put over Roode. Mexican America looked strong. Madisson Rayne is still a standout Knockout… Pope & Devon make no sense… and I almost forgot about the Jarretts and Kazarians.

Hogan’s promo was memorable… but Sting’s disbelief almost ruined it.

2 Ways to Beef Up TNA X-Plosion while Unclogging TNA Impact (making room for more in ring and less backstage)

TNA has this problem (and I have a solution)… it does 2 TV episodes per TV taping. TNA Impact is a 2 hour show on Spike TV with 30 minutes of commercials. That leaves 90 minutes to fill the show. That’s fine, but the problem is that there are 2 episodes taped making for a 3 hour per show… then on top of that is TNA’s B-show X-Plosion. On X-Plosion there is an exclusive match. The segment for that one match seems to last 10 minutes and there are 2 X-Plosion matches at each TV taping. Making for 20 extra minutes on top of 3 hours… to compensate… TNA has plenty of backstage angles otherwise each TV taping would be almost 3 hours and 30 minutes..

These backstage angles are a big part of complaints, but they have to be done… but I think I can unclog 20 minutes of the TNA TV tapings which hopefully would mean 10 less minutes of backstage segments on TNA Impact.

That’s the problem, now here are two solutions that will unclog TNA Impact and beef up TNA X-Plosion.

I propose that TNA X-Plosion gets its own TV taping. 1 TV taping a month makes 4 TV episodes. On top is a non-televised main event (Joe vs Morgan, AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels). That will give the TNA Impact tapings will have an extra 20 minutes to do in ring stuff and less backstage angles.

Orrrrr…. if TNA doesn’t want to devote X-Plosion to have its own TV taping, then take C-level matches from live events (house shows). It would give a different feel to X-Plosion and imagine being able to say this week’s X-Plosion comes from NJ or NY. You could follow the workers around as they explore the town or follow one worker on the road per week. Then for the TV, dub commentary over the matches. Dim the crowd like TNA X-Plosion already dims the crowd. The matches wouldn’t be any different… Shelley vs Doug Williams or Mickie James vs Madison Rayne (real X-Plosion matches).
Both solutions could have more matches on their B show (instead of 1 have 2, then an Impact recap, promos and the Spin Cycle round table).
Oh and to top it off… have the TV championship ONLY defended on X-Plosion. That way its one less title to clutter TNA Impact. The TV champion would look like a big shark in a little pond. He would be the gatekeeper and it would put heat on the TV title.
In fact you could take 16 guys off the main roster who are C or D level guys and put them exclusively on X-Plosion. Guys like Eric Young, Alex Shelley, Kid Kash, Jesse Sauronson, Crimson, Jesse Neal, Shannon Moore, Pope, Devon, Scott Stiener. Keep them off of Impact for 6 months so when they come back its a shock and they feel fresh. Abyss takes 6 months off from Impact so he can become a monster on X-Plosion… dominates everyone then returns to Impact to raise hell. In fact his first program on Impact can be someone that after he loses to Abyss he’s sent to X-Plosion for 6 months. By having X-Plosion as its own show it will take 16 wrestlers out of 45 active wrestlers off of Impact.
Hopefully these ideas can solve two noticeable problems with TNA. Less backstage angles and less championship titles on Impact.

CM Punk tore the space-time continuum (that is sucking the WWE into a black hole)

I propose the idea that CM Punk is making a change… for the worse. Sure it’s probably not his fault (just writing’s), but he pulled the wrestling curtain aside as commentator and in his now infamous promo from July heading into the WWE’s Money in the Bank PPV. This was a negative and you’ll soon see why…

As commentator, Punk brought up flaws in WWE’s logic (yet he himself falls into failed logic). He also wore T-shirts from his favorites like Colt Cabanna and Charles Manson. WWE let everything slide… he’s CM Punk. As he did commentary, during John Cena matches Punk would be more protective of his beloved Pepsi can… than calling the match. It was his subtle way of knocking how WWE commentators don’t talk about matches, but rather hype up “what else is tonight.”

Building up to the Money in the Bank PPV, CM Punk had said he’d leave with the WWE title after winning it in his hometown of Chicago. He then cut down the WWE and its management. Punk said John Cena is one of the things wrong with the WWE as well. He also brought up the name John Laurenitus… which has never been mentioned on WWE television (maybe rarely).

Before Money in the Bank, John Laurenitus was introduced as an on-screen character. He was the right hand man of Vince McMahon, owner of the WWE. He wasn’t a joke of a character like Patterson or Briscoe were in the late 90s.

After CM Punk won the WWE title, he “left” the WWE (only to return to RAW in 8 days), but when he left Vince McMahon was removed from the WWE. Vince is gone from TV (as he is every summer) when his son-in-law HHH took over the WWE‘s day to day operations. Those two things were big… Vince is gone… HHH is back after being gone for 6+ months. Not only is he back, but he runs the WWE since he is Vince’s son-in-law and all (figure out how he outranks Vince’s own daughter Stephanie).

With HHH back, the anonymous GM disappeared RAW… thankfully, but John Laurenitus was never revealed as the anonymous GM. In fact no one was revealed to be the anonymous GM. Since it was an anonymous GM, no one really noticed the disappearance.

To top off that craziness… but CM Punk was the WWE champion when he returned… but so was John Cena who had won the title from Rey Mysterio Jr the same night Rey won the WWE title to conclude an 8 man tournament. 2 men with 1 title. It’s like an alternate universe where CM Punk never existed… yet he does exist with the WWE title.

To unify the 2 belts back into 1, HHH made himself referee in a match with CM Punk vs John Cena. After CM Punk unified the championships, Kevin Nash made his shocking return after a 6+ month absence from the WWE. Before that 6+ month absence it was a 5+ year absence.

With Kevin Nash back… he was soon “fired.” Meanwhile, John Laurenitus and HHH struggle for HHH’s company. As those two struggled, former main eventers R-Truth and Miz started talking about a conspiracy in the WWE… yet those two were the only two aligned. In other words HHH is his own man, CM Punk is his own man, John Lauranitus was his own man, Nash was his own man, but R-Truth and Miz are aligned and conspiring…

A PPV where every match was a championship match was headlined by a non-title match that had HHH vs CM Punk for the WWE… No DQ. A suit wearing owner of the WWE vs a guy who looks like a short order cook. There’s nothing wrong with that, until you lay out how they got here.

Headed into the Night of Champions PPV, CM Punk was set to have a match with Kevin Nash until he got fired… he also cut a promo that was so inside I’m not sure the kids at home watching RAW knew what was going on. They called each other Phil and Paul. That’s like if the guys on the TV show X-Files started calling each other Jillian and David.

The WWE clearly painted themselves into a corner with this one, if HHH lost he’d lose the company, but if Punk lost… the WWE would exit the black hole. So R-Truth and Miz interfered… that way they’d take the fall for the WWE not giving a clean finish with a match that had big consequences.

R-Truth & Miz were “fired” the next night. After they faced CM Punk who teamed with John Cena. John Cena who is the man who CM Punk called out and said he’s one of the things wrong with the WWE. A man that he faced 3x and beat (before their 4th match where Nash distracted Punk).

– Vince ran the WWE
– No John Laurenitus
– John Cena holds the WWE title
– R-Truth on the roster
– Miz on the roster
– Kevin Nash NOT on active roster
– HHH NOT on active roster

– Vince fired
– John Laurenitus is there (a man in a speaking role who can barely speak)
– John Cena HOLDS THE WWE TITLE (changed hands 6 times in 2 months)
– R-Truth fired
– Miz fired
– Kevin Nash fired
– HHH runs the WWE

Is the WWE better or worse?

My Storyline to Push WWE’s Daniel Bryan (now not later) (7 PPVs)

Daniel Bryan seems to be on WWE’s backburner lately and has lost several matches and not been on a few cards. Since he won Smackdown’s Money in the Bank and has declaired that he wants his heavyweight title shot at Wrestlemania… the WWE probably feels they can use him to put some guys over before they heat him up in January for his title shot in March. I really think that’s their logic and we’ll see him do a lot better then.


Since they’ve got something going with Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara… WWE will do good vs evil Sin Cara at the PPV. Good one can prevail or the evil one can prevail and injure the good one, Then on Smackdown, Daniel Bryan can challenge evil Sin Cara. DB can go over evil Cara clean… no sweat.

Meanwhile… headed into Survivor Series, there is news that there will be a Smackdown Survivor Series match. Team Randy vs Team Henry. Henry’s team is assigned to him by Teddy Long… while Randy wants to assemble his team. Sheamus, a mystery man and the final member, Daniel Bryan.

In the match, Kane or Big Show can be the mystery man.Daniel Bryan puts Christian in the Labell Lock… Christian is tapping out… but the referee is out. The lock gets broken up and then  Christian uses a chair or a bell then pins Daniel Bryan as the referee wakes up. Ref counts the 3. Daniel Bryan attacks Christian who takes a bump and Christian gets pinned by someone else thanks to Bryan.

Next Smackdown, Daniel Bryan wants payback. he wants Christian at TLC or whatever the December PPV is. Maybe there is another one after that. Damn the WWE and all of its PPVs.

Christian comes out on an arm brace or a sling something. Christian tore something in his arm thanks to that Labell Lock at Survivor Series. Christian doesn’t want to face Daniel Bryan!!! That Labell Lock hurts! But… Christian says the only way he’d agree is if Daniel Bryan puts his Smackdown Money in the Bank title shot on the line at TLC. Daniel Bryan agrees, then Christian takes a swing at Daniel Bryan with the injured arm. Daniel sees it coming and puts the Labell Lock on Christian until security pries them apart.

On a different Smackdown, Christian gets into Teddy’s ear and proposes a ladder match. Think of the PPV numbers Teddy! Me in a ladder match! Teddy says he’s gotta think about Smackdown numbers too and just giving Christian a ladder match would put Daniel Bryan at a disadvantage when Christian has been in 100 of them. So on Smackdown, Teddy makes a match… if Christian wins the match tonight he’ll get to choose the match against Daniel Bryan. If Christian loses Daniel Bryan gets to choose. Bryan is stoked about it. He’s gonna choose a submission match!

Christian vs Khali. Christian wins by cheating or interference or whatever. Christian wants his ladder match.

Daniel Bryan goes over Christian in the ladder match. Daniel works on Christians arm the whole time with the ladder and the Labell Lock. That way Christian’s arm will hurt too much to use both arms to get the money in the bank briefcase…. even if working on the leg would be more effective, but whatever.

Daniel Bryan wants to win the Royal Rumble so he can use his money in the bank title shot for the Heavyweight Championship and then use the Royal Rumble title shot for the WWE title and unify the championships!!!

Maybe him saying unify the championships would look bad, because then it looks like he failed to do something… and that’s not good.

Instead of having Daniel Bryan in the Royal Rumble match… he has a match against Wade Barrett. Nah the Royal Rumble idea is better. Put him in the Royal Rumble… but have Brodius Clay eliminate him.

Daniel Bryan has a match against Brodius Clay. Daniel goes over clean, looks strong and effective doing it.

This isn’t really about Daniel Bryan… its about the heavyweight title. Mark Henry defending in the chamber against Randy Orton, Kane, Big Show, Sheamus and Christian. Either Henry or Randy win. Henry should win simply to be a challenge for Bryan or Orton should win to be a better match for Bryan on Wrestlemania.

Daniel Bryan vs Mark Henry or Randy Orton. I say Henry… just to keep the title on him 6+ months… but Randy would make a better match but once Daniel wins the title he can have good matches with Randy anyway, so Henry.

David vs Goliath… however… Daniel Bryan doesn’t win the belt. Henry gets knocked out of the ring. Knocked out KOed… knocked the truck out. Daniel literally can’t get him back in the ring, so Daniel wins via count out.

Teddy Long didn’t like the finish of Wrestlemania, he feels there should be a rematch… Teddy wants to make a falls count anywhere match. Daniel Bryan wants a submission match, Henry vs Daniel Bryan. Henry comes out laughing at Daniel and says Henry is so powerful and Daniel Bryan is short. However, Henry only knows bear hugs. Daniel says power means nothing when you have heart and never say die.

Daniel Bryan wins the heavyweight championship… but unfortunately… Daniel Bryan literally cleared out all of the heels except for Wade Barrett… so then I say draft Daniel Bryan to RAW and bring the title and put John Cena on Smackdown and bring that title. TONS of fresh matches.

Review of 1998 WCW Souled Out (and the infamous Nash>Giant powerbomb)

Hopefully I won’t give anything away with my review of this card. 1998 was a time where I was all gothed up and going to college. I was busy watching WWE at the time. This show took place right after the Sting vs Hogan match at Starcade 1997 that had a shit finish where the championship was held over… for 2 months… 2 dubmass months. This PPV was when the NWO was still one single faction and it was 1/4th of the company of wrestlers. So it was all out WCW vs NWO. Just hearing the title of the PPV… WCW, NWO and SNICKERS present… Souled Out! Without the title on the line… I thought that Ric Flair vs Bret Hart was the main event… because that’s what they talked about all night. No I was wrong. It was Lex Luger vs Randy Savage.

HOT OPENER! Wow this was good. Sure there were botched spots, but this was the best opening 8 man that there could ever be!

They kick off this match by banning the flock from ringside. Wow what a bland match. If anything Raven was the star with Benoit just selling. What’s bad is there were 2 standing 10 counts in a row. I hate to say it, but this was like watching 2 corpses wrestle.

Cruiserweight Champion CHRIS JERICHO vs REY MYSTERIO JR
– This was a good match, not the greatest. Jericho worked the injured leg of Rey and Rey… jumped and springboarded and did everything he normally does. Rey sells nothing.

– Question. Why do 2 men need to announce a match for 2 men to have a shot at a 3rd man at the next PPV? Why did 2997 Starcade end with the belt being held up after Sting & Hogan. Why did Scott Hall get a title shot months earlier at World War 3 and have to wait 3 – 4 months before getting a title shot. Why? Why? Why!!!!!!!!!

– Wow Rick Martel. I felt like I was watching Ken Kennedy. This was a dull and awkward match that I had no interest in, nor did they make me want to watch. The work was memorably bad like when the Quebec Crab was put on Booker… Booker ‘s body and legs were straight out….

– Wow another match… There was a notable swerve in this match. They worked the best match they could, but wow was the crowd against Larry. You’d think he was the biggest heel and he was the face in all of this! There was a lot of stuff toward the end that made no sense, which seems to be on par. Larry’s moves were also outdated and just didn’t look right.

The tag team champs weren’t defending their belts on this card…

This was a shmoz. The story of this match was that Rick Stiener didn’t trust his own brother Scott… So he wasn’t letting Scott in the ring. That seems dumb. If he doesn’t trust his brother HIS OWN BROOOOTHERRRR!!!! why not just tag him in and let him get beat up? This was… uh not good. Its interesting though how WCW slow built the Scott, Buff & Rick love triangle over a 6+ month period.

THE GIANT vs KEVIN NASH (powerbotch)
This is the infamous match where Nash dumped the Giant on his head. There’s nothing spectacular about this match other than it happened 2 hours into the card. The card really just flew by in a haze of meh… Hogan and Bischoff were out there for Nash. Bischoff got laid out it was nice. The highlight is the botched powerbomb. Legend has it that Nash was told to work out in the gym to powerbomb the Giant, but he said he’d powerbomb him anyway. It was interesting hearing the commentators say Paul Wight is 500 lbs yet he’s much slimmer in WCW than WWE. It must be all of that hair.

They also have officials rush out to help the Giant… but not from the powerbomb. The powerbomb was just a botched spot and doesn’t involve the finish… therefore they didn’t care. Having no music to go out on would have been nice. Also Bobby Heenan wasn’t convincing me of the sevarity of things…

This match seemed to have no build to it… just thrown out there cold. Morons. Hopefully they built up to the PPV with promos, but instead WCW made it seem like the Internet fans built this one up wondering… who’s the best wrestler. Well tonight it was proven. This match was the best match of the night.

Bret Hart countered virtually everything and never let Ric have any offense unless Ric cheated. Luckily that was 25% of Flair’s offense. It was your typical Hart match. It was great in the ring with basic holds and locks, but done effectively. Tony Shavonti on commentary was surprisingly top notch on calling little nuances. I was amazed. Good 15 minute match if that

Over very quickly. Apparently the story here was Liz. She was all over this match, which as a heel vallet she should be. The match ended… I’m not even sure who won. Then the aftermath happened.

Bad PPV. Dull and uninspired matches. No main event title defended… nor was he wrestling… nor was the top contender wrestling and your #2 contender was wrestling a retired guy… but they did have an angle with 5 men for 1 belt to announce that at the next PPV they’d have the match. This was a big fuck you to the fans.

Coach Scott Stiener needs 3 college wrestlers (my idea to put 3 guys on the map)

Scott Stiener should probably be used in a limited capacity until his contract runs out. He cuts promos that everyone loves to see and he can still have a match every once in a while, but I propose the idea of making him a manager… or better yet A COACH. Unfortunately TNA beat me to the punch because I scheduled this blog to appear in 2 weeks…

With no further a due… here’s my plan (it may sound like Kurt Angle with Haas & Benjamin).

Hire 3 college wrestling jobbers. Preferably a blonde, a dark-haired guy and a black guy… this way people can tell the 3 of them apart if they’re all wearing singlets.

Have Stiener saying he’s gonna scout for fresh Immortal talent. He can then disappear for a while.

Have Stiener at real wrestling meets scouting.

Stiener finds the first man, the first man says you’re Scott Stiener, I’ve seen you wrestle since I was a kid… Stiener says I got a job for you. The second guy says he’s looking for competition. Stiener says he knows where to find it. Come on kid. The third guy asks about the pay… Stiener says limos, gold watches, briefcases fulla money. Deal.

This way it puts over TNA as a place to find competition, wealth and stars.

Then start the training vignettes for 2 months. Stiener yelling at them, beating them, showing them moves, spotting them lifting. Running his wrestling school. These vignettes don’t have to be more than 2 minutes per week. Stiener can cut their hair and even have Rick Stiener or Kurt Angle as a guest trainer.

Also take this 2 months to have them wrestle at house shows with Stiener still out there as their trainer if he works house shows. That way they’ve got 2 extra months of experience.

Setup a debut on TNA’s B-show. The first one has a match with the other 2 just there. Build the first guy as a singles guy. Then bring in the other 2 as a tag team after the first guy is established. Stiener can cut promos for them. Have them go against jobbers on the B-show for 4 months. Stiener can slap them around, roll around with them too. Not matches, but exhibitions. Stiener is still top dog.

After 6 or 7 months, so you take them to Impact… Scott can either bring them to Immortal who say NO, they’re too green and feud with Immortal or have them just be their own faction right off the bat without any mention of Immortal. Stiener cuts their incoherent promos. You have a new legit tag team and you have a new TV title contender right there. Then you have 3-4 guys to feud with Fortune.

This step will happen in 2 or 3 years. They can feud with each other, feud and feud with Scott Stiener if not retire him or heck do it all over again with Scott finding a fresh crop of workers. But see these 3 guys with a college wrestling style opens up several matches. Submission matches, grecco roman matches, they can wear the ear guards, they can say… I refuse to wrestle a man who punches or kicks… this is pro wrestling not MMA. One can be the wrestling snob, another can be the blood thirsty badass and the last guy can be in it for the money and fame.

Make it happen! This idea fills up pre-taped segment time as well, so that’s another plus!

Unconventional Moves to Put Over Mark Henry as Dangerous

The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry is now the heavyweight champion. He’s got very limited offenses, but with his incredible strength and size he makes every move count no matter how basic. Let’s look at his current finisher, the World’s Strongest Slam. A simple falling bodyslam. He’s had that for 10+ year now. He’s had the chocolate slide as a babyface where he gets his opponents on the ropes kneeling, gets a running start and just slides through the ropes to the outside. Quite impressive. And he’s got the bear hug submission, which with his size and strength its perfect for him.

Let’s add something more to his moveset, something that every wrestler has, but when Mark uses it, it can be dangerous. I’m talking about a headlock. Every wrestler uses it as a transitional spot. No one has submit to a headlock since the 70s. I’m not saying Henry ends the match in 1 minute (unless they’re a jobber). Build to it… At the finish of the match have Henry put on that standard side headlock and with Henry’s giant arms, wrench it and show the pain. Then have the midcarder tap out to it.

This wouldn’t be an ordinary side headlock, Henry would of course put his own twist on it and make it look better than everyone else’s. Maybe use a trip or a takeover to put the guy down on the mat where Henry just pulls back and pop goes the head. Maybe he can drag his opponent around and twist his body wildly to put the pain in.

Build the move and make it dangerous giving him submission victories, maybe even put someone in a neck brace. Eventually after a few months of it, Henry gets cocky. He wants to inflict pain, a tapout isn’t good enough. So when it comes to a main eventer like Randy Orton being in the side headlock, Henry will pull him around the ring and make it so the ref can’t take a submission. Then Randy can either slip out and win or be crippled in a neck brace. That way they both save face.

Here’s another thing… if Mark Henry can curl a frying pan as he’s demonstrated several times over the years, imagine what he can do in a hammer lock. He can put over a hammer lock as dangerous. He can break people’s forearms and either put them on the shelf 2 months or have them wrestling in a forearm cast.

These 2 submissions open up a new series of match types for Henry. Imagine Wrestlemania 2012, Mark Henry goes in after 6 months of submissions to defend the belt against Daniel Bryan’s Labell Lock. A move that Bryan can’t even get on Mark Henry… but luckily for Daniel, he’s not one dimensional and after working on Henry’s neck, he can make the dangerous olympian submit to a headlock… or submit himself.

Maybe those 2 moves aren’t big enough when Mark has put people through cage walls, slammed them onto steps and put them through tables, but just these 2 simple moves can put the moves over and make Henry dangerous and make the sport more realistic.

All I know is that somebody gone get they ass kicked.

13 months of my TNA booking A-B guys (months 4 – 6)

Months (1-3)

– Hogan comes out and says AJ is the new #1 contender for defeating Samoa Joe!!!
— Angle comes out and refuses to fight an injured man with a cast. That’s too easy.
— AJ appears and says he’s held every belt in the company… AJ will be the most difficult opponent Kurt has ever faced!
— Angle wonders how many matches they’ve had, 100? Kurt wins them all… AJ says Kurt’s math is off and when Kurt won he had his wife in his corner… but now Kurt has no friends, no wife, just his championship. He sacrificed everything for that strap and now AJ wants to leave him with nothing.
— Kurt agrees to kick his ass at the PPV!
— Hogan said AJ is the #1 contender… but Angle might not be the champ!!! he reveals there’s 2 healthy guys chomping at the bit to get that title back… Anderson and Sting. There’s a title match tonight.
– 3 WAY TNA TITLE MATCH >> ANGLE over ANDERSON / STING clean at around 15 minutes
— Pre match serious backstage interview with Anderson. He hasn’t had a shot at the title in 3 months. He needs this victory and he can play Sting against Angle and pin who’s left.
— Use tricks like tables or have Angle vs Anderson while Sting rests or any combination.
– Backstage interview with Kaz… interviewer asks is his wife Traci Brooks ok??? Yeah she’s okay, it could have been a lot worse… She’s at home relaxing tonight.
— Daniels appears and said she shouldn’t have been there! Don’t you have something to say???
— Maybe you were right Daniels. She shouldn’t have been there…
— Thank you! Then Daniels issues a challenge to Stiener / Gunner for next week!
– RVD lost his title match against Angle… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 52 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
— Jarrett comes out and announces he’s got a match with RVD for next week. He cuts a promo and runs down RVD. He also mentions how that guy won’t even have a title shot for a year! Jarrett then mentions that RVD can’t fall any further down the rankings then that.
— Bischoff comes out… oh yes RVD can fall down further… Why’s that Eric? Because if RVD loses his match next week then why even keep him around? For the fans? Ha! I don’t care what the fans think. RVD will be RV-Fired next week if Jarrett wins! They both laugh!
— RVD comes out and says he knows he fell to the bottom of the ladder if Jarrett is there with him! But soon enough he’ll be back on top because he’s Rob-Van-Damn.

– MATCH >> Hogan is in the ring with a table setup… There is a contract signing between Angle and AJ in the ring.
— Angle signs it. He gives the pen to AJ … can he even sign it with his cast?
— Angle says under normal circumstances he would beat down AJ to get the edge at the PPV… but with that cast on you… I don’t need to AJ. That cast is a symbol of the edge I already have. When the PPV comes I’m gonna focus on that arm and make you tap.
— AJ says confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence will be his downfall. While Kurt is focused on the weak arm, he’ll forget that my offense isn’t made up of punches and submissions, it’s made from my whole body. I will take your title Kurt and leave you with nothing.
– MATCH >> RVD over JARRETT w/ KAREN at about 15 minutes
— RVD lost his title match… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 51 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
— Bischoff has a gleeful vested interest in this match as he watches from the back in his office on a monitor!
— Karen circles the ring and when the ref takes a bump Karen gives Jarrrett a chair. Jarrrett is about to use it when he RVD gives him a Van Damninator!!! RVD throws out the chair, wakes the ref, RVD pins Jarrett!
— Bischoff marches out and tells the ref to reverse the decision and make Jarrett the winner. But Eric why? Because he cheated! He used that chair and Karen is a witness!
— RVD says all these fans are witnesses too… Hey fans did I cheat? Or did I just pin Jarrett 1-2-3? … fans respond … you know Eric the ref’s decision is final!
— Fine, if the referee won’t reverse the decision… he has the power to just fire RVD!!! Bischoff is about to fire RVD when Joe shouts no!!! Give him to me at the next PPV!
— Bischoff is intrigued. He hesitates. Joe gets face to face with RVD and says why fire him when Joe can put him in the hospital? … Then you can fire him!
— Bischoff likes the sound of that! Bischoff makes RVD against Joe at the PPV.
— Daniels wins and is elated at the victory! Gets on a mic and says bros before hos!
— Kaz takes the mic and says apologize! Daniels wonders for what? They just won the match! Oh what I said… sorry man I just got caught up in the moment. I meant no disrespect to you or your wife. Look man, I just needed this win to get my career back on track and again I apologize. Issue settled…

– HANDICAP MATCH >> AJ over MEXICAN AMERICA clean at around 15 minutes
— To setup the match, Angle calls out AJ and says that he went to Bischoff and asked for a match. Tonight… AJ vs… Mexican America’s music plays, they come out and circle the ring.
— AJ wonders well who is it? Hernandez? Anarchya? Rosita? Sarita? Who Kurt? Kurt reveals Hernandez and Anarchya! Kurt smiles and says good luck before he backs out of the ring and Mexican America enter.
— Kurt stays at ringside to coach Mexican America.
— Commentators ponder… Mexican America with an American Gold Medalist… They’re hired guns tonight.
— AJ is still in a cast, but doesn’t use it as a weapon it just limits his wrestling holds with 1 hand.
— Mexican America do arm locks on the cast and stomp it! … because Kurt tells them to.
— AJ wins and is in obvious pain from his arm. Commentators mention that cast is a bull’s-eye and a weak spot… but on the other side of the coin, AJ did just go over 2 men at once. Can Kurt stop AJ Styles?
– Bischoff comes out to the crowd… he was thinking last week when Kaz / Daniels won, they need a rubber match with Kaz / Daniels against Gunner / Stiener for the next PPV.
— Kaz / Daniels come out saying no problem, they’ll win again! Oh really wonders Bischoff… how about when Traci Brooks is the special guest ring announcer? She announces the entrants and the winners.
— Daniels has a disbelieving smirk. Kaz says no problem! Daniels shakes his head.
– RVD lost his title match against Angle… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 50 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
— Training vignette with RVD at his gym. His exercise, his martial arts, his stretching. Interview with him at the gym and RVD says in a way Joe saved his job. He mentions bands who have been banned from venues only to return and blow the roof off the place. That’s what RVD is gonna do in a year… return and grab the title.
— Totally different training montage with Joe, training in a gym with MMA guys. Working on strikes and submissions and clips of Joe destroying jobbers. Interviews with guys Joe trains with who say that Joe trains to go the distance with every fight, but he can end it in an instance. They have no doubt in their mind that it’s Joe all the way at the PPV.
— Commentators announce Joe against KAZ for next week.

– MATCH >> JOE over KAZ clean at around 15 minutes
— Before the match… Bischoff is interviewed. He wants Joe to give everyone a little sample of the beating RVD is gonna get at the PPV.
— Interviewers try to get a word with Joe before the match. Bischoff wants a preview of the beating Joe is gonna give to RVD at the PPV… Joe says he works for himself and he’ll do what he wants. He keeps moving and doesn’t really let himself be interviewed. Joe says sadistically … just remember though… Joe’s gonna kill you…
— Before the match… backstage Stiener with Gunner in the background cuts a promo about their upcoming match and that fine ring announcer Traci Brooks. He won’t be able to stay in the ring and she won’t be able to keep her hands off him! Think about that!
— Joe works heavily on Kaz’s ribs, back and mid section.
– RVD lost his title match against Angle… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 49 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
— Bischoff is in the ring and calls out RVD. He then tells RVD that the PPV will be his last match one way or another… Either Joe puts RVD in the hospital or Bischoff will flat out fire RVD.
– Sit down interviews with TNA workers, road agents and commentators. Who’s going to win AJ vs Kurt? How will the cast factor in? Is it a weakness or a strength? AJ just went over Mexican America with that cast. Throw in video of their past encounters and who has won.
— Doesn’t matter who Angle faces, he goes over clean by submission and looks dominant.
— AJ comes down after the match and gets in Kurt’s face. Kurt raises the belt between the two of them and then it fades out to end the show.

– TNA TITLE MATCH >> ANGLE over AJ via submission
— AJ is still in a cast, but doesn’t use it as a weapon it just limits his wrestling holds with 1 hand.
— Kurt Angle uses stomps on the cast and various arm breakers… AJ submits to a cross arm breaker.
— Angle gets on the mic and berates AJ and Hogan for even making the match.
— AJ pops up and gets a fiery comeback, beating Angle senseless! Makes the champ bleed with the cast until Bischoff sends a flood of security out to save his main eventer!
— Angle is dragged away, the ref is saying the match is over! AJ keeps getting away from security to beat up Angle!
— PPV closes with AJ being dragged away for the final time with AJ saying its not over!
– MATCH >> RVD over JOE
— Joe is more focused on hurting RVD than winning the match. Destroying him, but RVD and Joe have a back and forth the entire match and despite RVD being caught in several of Joe’s submissions, he never bothers to pin RVD.
— Commentators bring up how Joe can just get the 1-2-3, but Joe doesn’t want to. Eventually RVD puts down Joe.
— Bischoff comes down to the ring… Obviously Joe failed to put RVD in the hospital. So Bischoff goes to fire RVD and RVD just kicks Bischoff in the head. Commentators point out that you can’t fire someone when you’re unconscious!!!
— EMTs come out to scrape up Bischoff and take him away. RVD poses for the crowd!
— Kaz’s ribs are all taped up from his match with Joe.
— Special guest ring announcer Traci Brooks (Kaz’s wife) who ruined their first match…
— Traci announces everyone, then in the match Stiener harasses her at ringside… Kaz brawls with him and she leaves the ringside area.
— She stands at the top of the ramp FARRRRR away from the action!
— Eventually Bully Ray and Abyss come out and wonder what she’s doing up there? Get back to the ring or get in the kitchen its your choice!
— She scurries back to the ring. Stiener and Gunner try messing with her, but Kaz defends her. And Daniels gets the victory!
— This match bleeds into the next…
— With Bully Ray and Abyss already standing at the top of the ring, Beer Money come out and brawl them to the ring. While the previous tag match brawls… everywhere else! Through the crowd they eventually disappear leaving the real match in the ring.

IMPACT WEEK 1 (this is a Bischoff heavy show I’d like to change that)
– Angle comes out… he was embarrassed last night after he won the match… He wants AJ tonight!
— AJ appears… will Angle put his title on the line? Absolutely! He’ll beat AJ again just like the PPV!
— Bischoff comes out and says no no… that match won’t happen tonight. This is all about money. They’ll fight at the next PPV.
— AJ tells everyone that in a few weeks his arm will be 100%!
— Joe is backstage watching a TV screen… hmmm… I’ll have to put a new one on you AJ and score that title shot for myself…
— RVD appears and says he’s in line for that title shot! After all he did just beat Samoa Joe the previous night!
— Joe wonders… have you forgotten? You can’t get a title shot for another 11 months!!! Joe laughs in his face and the two men brawl backstage!
– Bischoff comes out with evil intentions… He calls out Beer Money who have been on a winning spree lately… He says he has a big PPV announcement. He has a fresh match for them… someone they’ve never faced before… then Bischoff calls out Kaz / Daniels.
— Kaz is miffed at the match. Daniels is elated. Bischoff wants them to put aside Fortune and give it their all at the PPV. Kaz refuses…
— Bischoff says he hopes someone would refuse! He says if you refuse now… all 4 participants will be suspended for 4 months! Kaz agrees.
— Beer Money say may the best team win and then they shake hands.
— Bischoff then adds oh and guys the losing team will be suspended for 1 month. That’s just to make sure that both teams give it their all! I mean for the fans of course!!!
— Later on backstage, Kaz mentions this is just Bischoff messing with them because Immortal can’t beat Fortune.
– RVD lost his title match against Angle… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 48 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
– MATCH >> JOE over MORGAN at about 15 minutes.
— Both guys can use power moves to get over. Joe can show off his speed and quickness. Morgan can attempt his own muscle buster!
— With Joe still in the ring Bischoff comes out and wonders what happened last night? Joe said RVD would be in the hospital! Instead it was Bischoff who went to the hospital!
— Originally Bischoff wanted to fire RVD… but now he just wants to see one of them in the hospital. Either RVD or the man who failed to put him in the hospital… At the PPV there will be a stretcher match!!! Next week they’ll have a contract signing.

– RVD lost his title match against Angle… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 47 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
— Bischoff comes to the ring where there is a table waiting… Due to their backstage brawl last week, Bischoff is making a rematch Joe against RVD.
— Its the contract signing between Joe and RVD. RVD signs… Joe says his pen doesn’t work… So he lunges across the table and jams RVD in the head with the pen.
— He violently attacks RVD with the pen until RVD is busted open and lying on the mat. Joe then uses RVD’s blood to sign Joe on the contract. Bischoff is in glee.
— Joe gets on the mic and says… he lied, that pen did work, he just didn’t have the color he likes! Then he beats down RVD until security comes. Joe leaves with his arms raised.
– MATCH >> ANGLE over STORM clean at about 15 minutes
— Bischoff has ordered security to surround the ring to protect his PPV main event from AJ.
— After Angle wins via the ankle lock… he brings the belt in with evil intentions… He’s gonna make Storm bleed!
— Robert Roode appears at the entryway and starts to march down… security block him…
— But then AJ comes through the crowd, jumps the barricade and gets in the ring! Security notices and quickly gets between the two of them.
— Bischoff announces that if Angle and AJ touch before the PPV they’ll be suspended without pay for a month and stripped of the title!
— Later on… backstage in the office, Hogan has issues with stripping Angle of the title. If that happens… what then? Bischoff says he’ll figure it out. Hogan says well if it happens we’ll put it on another top end talent… like RVD who won his last match! RVD wouldn’t be getting a title shot he’d just get the belt and then Joe would get the title shot at the PPV.
— Bischoff hates the idea and throws the cameraman out so he can argue with Hogan alone.
– Brief vignettes with Kaz / Daniels training together as a friendly sort of competition without ever being mentioned. Who can press more weight, who can run the fastest, who can do more situps, who can do more pushups. If one of them starts to waver, the other one pushes them.

– RVD lost his title match… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 46 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
— Backstage interview with RVD… How is he going to win when Joe is so big? If he knocks out Joe, can he really put that man on a stretcher? RVD asks if the interviewer ever thought that the stretcher can come down to the ground and then be raised. Ah ha!
— Bischoff makes a match for next week: RVD against Gunner and Stiener before the PPV.  Gunner and Stiener … walk out and get into the ring. They look intimidating and surround RVD. When they pounce, RVD briefly gets the better of them, before Stiener with a pipe leaves RVD laying out.
— Bischoff orders Stiener to keep beating him and says that’s for kicking Bischoff in the head at the PPV!
– MATCH >> AJ over JARRETT w/ KAREN clean at around 15 minutes
— AJ is still in a cast, but doesn’t use it as a weapon it just limits his wrestling holds with 1 hand.
— Karen remembers when she had a thing for AJ
– Clips from last week are shown… of Hogan telling Bischoff if AJ and Angle get suspended a month for touching before the PPV, RVD will become the new champ and Joe will be his first title defense at the PPV…
— Angle is backstage… Joe comes in and gets in his ear… Are you gonna let that punk AJ embarass you? Joe says a real man wouldn’t let stipulations get in the way. A real man would meet AJ in a parking lot with no cameras…
— If Bischoff doesn’t know about the brawl… he can’t suspend you right??? Or are you a coward?
— Angle agree with a smile and a laugh.
— Later on… Bischoff calls Angle into his office… if Kurt does what Joe told him to do just don’t. Kurt says oh I won’t.
— Later on… Joe is dragging a cameraman somewhere and tells him to get down (Joe’s gonna film you)…
— With the cameraman hidden behind some parked cars, Joe says film it and then disappears! In an empty parking lot there’s AJ and Kurt (both in street clothes) under a single street light about to fight. AJ says he got Kurt’s note… Fortune is there and Angle says AJ brought his gang and he’ll beat their asses if they get involved, Storm says he wouldn’t mind kicking some ass tonight. AJ says they’re lookouts.
— Robert Roode yells out who the hell is that? He walks over and finds the cameraman! Angle bails into the shadows.
— Roode and Joe start brawling and Joe wins the fight then runs before he has all of Fortune to deal with.
— The cameraman then admits Joe brought him out there to film a fight, give it to Bischoff and make his match for the title!

– MATCH >> ANGLE over MAGNUS by submission.
— Squash match, make Angle look strong headed into the PPV.
— AJ comes on the screen. He’s backstage and cuts a fiery backstage promo to Kurt… then reveals his forearm cast is off!!!
– RVD lost his title match against Angle… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 45 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
– NO DQ HANDICAP MATCH >> RVD over GUNNER / STIENER at about 15 minutes.
— Hide Stiener in the match and have him come in for a few spots here and there. Have him around to setup tables or swing a pipe.
— RVD wins via Van Damninator to Gunner.
— Joe runs out after the match and beats down RVD and leaves him in a bloody mess from a chair shot.
– Sit down interview vignette with workers, Traci Brooks, agents and commentators about Beer Money against Kaz / Daniels. Who will win? Who has the edge? Why did Bischoff make the match? Friend vs Friend. The rocky road Kaz / Daniels have had recently.

(I only care about the A-B guys)
— Pre match backstage interview with Angle… he expects a good clean match. Then smiles as if he’s gonna cheat.
— Pre match backstage interview with AJ…  Beer Money is in the locker room with him. AJ is happy his cast off and he’s gonna apply some submissions of his own.
— Good clean match, but in the end after finishers are kicked out of and nothing can end this match… AJ messes up a springboard something and Angle pins him.
— Both men start out by having a good clean match… before they realize they need chairs to get the other on the stretcher. There will be straps on the stretcher to tie down the guy. RVD can slide out of upper body ties, Joe can untie lower body ties.
— Chairs come out, Joe gets Van Damninatored… but RVD can’t lift him onto the stretcher. Joe snaps out of it and chokes out RVD… puts him on the stretcher then chair shots to make sure he can get the ties on and stretchers him out!
— Joe ends up with arms raised!
— Kaz loses to Robert Roode. Afterward Beer Money shake hands and hug with Kaz. Meanwhile Daniels shakes his head at Kaz for losing, but finally shakes Beer Money’s hand.
— Post match interview with Kaz… he admits he lost the match and now they’ll be gone for a month.
— Post match interview with Daniels who says ya know… Kaz will go back to his wife at home and Daniels will go back to the gym and come back better than ever. Daniels reiterates he’s not the one that lost the match.
— Security comes to throw out Daniels and Kaz (separately).
— Beer Money are interviewed afterward… it had to be done. Bischoff put their backs against a wall and they had to do it. They’re asked if this will drive a wedge between Fortune… that’s what Bischoff wants right?
— Doesn’t matter who Shelley goes over.
— Morgan and Crimson get on a roll as a tag team.
— It doesn’t matter who Mexican America beat, just that they destroy their opponents.

– RVD lost his title match against Angle… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 44 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
– Hogan announces that RVD / Angle / AJ / Joe are the top 4 guys in the company. At the next PPV there will be a 4 way match between the 4 of them…
— Angle appears and asks did Hogan forget at his old age that RVD can’t get a title shot for another 10 months! Angle tells him don’t try putting someone else in, because Angle wants the top talent, not #5…
— Eric Bischoff comes out and says RVD is injured from Samoa Joe and couldn’t be in the match anyway.
— Hogan has the perfect idea… Over the next 4 weeks there will be an 8 man tournament for that final slot at the PPV.
— At the PPV it will be a mystery man / Angle / AJ / Joe … Assuming they all win their matches leading to the PPV. If they lose one match, that loser will be replace them. Hogan announces Angle will have his match next against Morgan! Oh and it will be for the title, because if Kurt were to lose he’d be out of the TNA title match at the PPV.
– Joe is backstage. He cuts a promo on RVD how he injured RVD and how this will be his first title shot in 6 months. Angle has been ducking him. Always making sure that he could have matches he could win. Why do you think he’d accept a match with a man that JOE broke the arm of… then wanted a rematch against him? Angle isn’t the shit he just smells like it! Remember this Kurt… at the PPV… Joe’s gonna kill you!
– NO DQ TNA TITLE MATCH >> ANGLE over MORGAN at about 15 minutes
— If Angle loses he’s replaced by Morgan in the 4 way at the PPV.
– Beer Money against Mexican America is announced for the PPV. In the meantime, they’ll have some single’s matches…
– The tournament brackets are announced!!! Sting vs Gunner, Abyss vs Eric Young, Jarrett vs D-Von, Pope vs Kendrick.
— Eric Young can do his comedy spots against Abyss… with little effect. Abyss will just clothesline him down with every bit of silliness. Then at some point it stops being silly and gets sad for Eric. The smile is gone. The fans aren’t laughing. Its Abyss kicking this guy’s ass above and beyond what’s needed.
— Eric is beat down so bad that after the match the fans cheer when he can stand up and walk out on his own power.
— Sting dusts off Gunner despite his cheating and aide from Stiener.
— In 2 weeks it will be Sting against Abyss in the Semi Final match. Next week will be the other 2 quarter final matches!
— Backstage after the match… Brian Kendrick congratulates Sting, then asks for advice about the tournament. Sting says that fun is fun, but Kendrick has been given an opportunity and now its time to get serious. He’s a competitor and should act like one. Just look at Eric Young…

— Angle comes out and announces he’s not afraid of facing 3 men at the PPV. In fact… tonight he’s gonna go through 3 top guys from his Angle Academy!
– MATCH >> JOE over STORM at about 15 minutes.
— If JOE loses he’s replaced by Storm in the 4 way at the PPV.
— Pre match backstage Beer Money discusses if Storm gets a title shot Storm will still wrestle Mexican America, because the team comes first.
— In the ring before their match, Roode gets on the mic and cuts a promo how Bischoff gets sadistic pleasure in making their lives hell. Putting them up against Fortune members, now trying to divide them by putting a singles title in front of one of them.
— Roode announces if Storm wins his match, he will be in Storm’s corner for the title shot and Roode will find a new partner against Mexican America.
— Joe comes out with a mic, boys… none of what you said matters, because at the end of the night, James Storm will have a loss and a few broken bones! Match starts.
– RVD lost his title match against Angle… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 43 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
— Highlights of the Joe vs RVD feud are shown. First with RVD getting the win… then Joe getting the win.
— Jarrett cheats, they brawl everywhere. Karen helps her man cheat and in the end its too much for D-Von.
— Kendrick wins!!! Post match interview. The interview is excited for Kendrick. Kendrick cuts a fiery promo saying he’s gonna win all 3 of his matches and then march into the PPV and beat 3 other men to win the 4th match in a row and capture the TNA title!
— Its announced for next week Kendrick vs Jarrett in their semi final match and Sting vs Abyss!

– Angle isn’t at the arena… he’s training hard in the Florida sun. Squats, lifting weights, taking on 3 jobbers at a time in armature wrestling matches.
– MATCH >> AJ over BULLY RAY at about 15 minutes.
— If AJ loses he’s replaced by Bully Ray in the 4 way at the PPV.
— At the start of the match Bully Ray tells AJ he’s gonna turn around and he wants AJ to forfeit the match and his spot on the PPV by leaving the ring… if AJ is still standing there when Bully Ray turns back, Bully Ray is gonna beat the crap out of him.  Bully Ray turns… counts to 5, when he turns back AJ punches him!
– RVD lost his title match against Angle… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 42 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
— Its announced RVD will return next week! In a tag match! RVD / AJ against Joe / Angle.
— Video package hyping up RVD with all of his achievements in TNA. The title and his great matches!
— After that… Joe cuts a promo backstage about how RVD is a fool to ever come back after he was taken out on a stretcher the last time!
— Sting wins and conquers the giant.
— Pre match promo backstage from Kendrick… it has to be a good promo. If it isn’t I’d take this victory away from him.
— Jarrett cheats, Karen helps him. Kendrick fights back against all odds to beat him. Commentators wonder if Kendrick can really go all the way!!!
— After the match, Kendrick is still in the ring to close the show. Sting comes out. They go toe to toe to build the match next week. In the background Kurt Angle slinks in the ring with his title. Kendrick shoves Sting out of the way and clotheslines down the champ as the show closes.

– TAG MATCH >> ANGLE / JOE over RVD / AJ at about 15 minutes
— Joe goes over RVD. Then looks at Angle… like that would be him at the PPV. Then AJ springboards in and breaks up the look!
— Afterward there is a big brawl throughout the arena with all 4 participants! It’s far from over!
— But there’s a wildcard still… Kendrick and Sting. Who will win that match? Who will the 4th man be?
— Backstage interview with RVD… since RVD lost the match tonight, he’ll face the loser of Kendrick or Sting at the PPV. Who does he hope to face? It doesn’t matter… I’ll burn the house down and have the best match on the show, because I’m Rob-Van-Damn.
– MATCH >> supposed to be ANARCHYA vs STORM
— Anarchya has a doctor’s note. He can’t compete due to an allergic reaction…
— Beer Money come out and say they’re allergic to bullshit. Mexican America better not have any notes at the PPV, because come hell or high water, Mexican America is getting an ass kicking!
– RVD lost his title match against Angle… coming back from commercial or going to a commercial a 5 second thing that says 41 weeks until RVD can get a title shot (show a clip of RVD agreeing to the stip).
– Questions are posed for Sting against Kendrick the match… Can Sting beat Brian Kendrick the title one more time? Is it Brian Kendrick’s time? Can he go over an icon and win the title?
— Sit down interviews with the workers, who will win? Sting or Kendrick? Sliced bread or the Scorpion Death Drop? Is Brian Kendrick the new young Sting?
— Alex Shelley is interviewed afterward backstage… He says that Kendrick shouldn’t forget about him. Any title that Kendrick can get… Shelley will just win it from him. Then he pats the X-Division title on his shoulder that he won from Kendrick.
— To make this seem like a big match, the intro needs to be drawn out. With different music. A video package to highlight Kendrick’s rise.
— They shake hands and Sting destroys him through the entire match.
— Show ends with Kendrick celebrating in the ring or with the fans. That should be the last shot.
– The 1 month suspension of KAZ and Daniels will be up in one week! Tune in one week!

(I only care about the A-B guys) (this card feels light… and to compensate with how light it is… I’d fill it with good matches. Make people feel like the missed something even with a light card)
— They can do crazy stack plexes and pair off.
— Angle and Joe never touch… Angle goes over AJ to keep Kendrick and Joe strong. AJ will get shuffled down the card within the next 3 months.
— But the angle here is Joe gives AJ a muscle buster and Angle throws him out. Angle pins AJ and Kendrick tries to break up the pin.
— After the match Joe is furious and beats up Kurt, then destroys the set leading to the fade to black.
— Early on Mexican America get beat bad and try to leave. Beer Money stop them from leaving. Then they have a more back and forth match with Beer Money winning.
— Regrettably, there is no build to this. They’re both the losers of this month pretty much.
– The suspension is over!!!! Kaz and Daniels will return on the next Impact!
– X-DIVISION TITLE MATCH >> SHELLEY over ??? (doesn’t matter I’m not booking this division)

(wow 6 months in… and this is 21 pages now!!!)
(the landscape is starting to shift toward Daniels, KAZ, Beer Money and Kendrick. By the end of the next 3 months the A guys will have shifted)
(there are seeds planted for continuing feuds, Daniels vs KAZ, Joe vs Angle, Beer Money vs Mexican America is only the beginning its about to get VERY memorable, Shelley, Morgan and Crimson are staying warm just incase)
(Bischoff is doing diabolical things and pitting Fortune against Fortune… face against face)

Hulk Hogan’s Micro Championship Wrestling (a comedy of errors)

Tru TV has a new reality show called Hulk Hogan’s Micro Championship Wrestling. Its a midget league of about 8 wrestlers on tour in Florida. The promotion is owned by Johnny G, trained by Pat Tanaka and invested in by Hulk Hogan (hence the name). Brian Knobbs is also there… for whatever reason. Since this is a reality show there is more reality than show. The debut episode only showed brief clips of 3 matches… and that was for the best.

This is the second midget reality series to make it to television. The other one was on Spike TV after Impact. It lasted a season and was much better than this disaster.

Wow what a train wreck of a show for a train wreck of a promotion. Hulk Hogan even endorsed it by saying this was the worst wrestling show he’s been to in 35 years.

Here’s what made it so terrible. First of all, there is a lot of drama behind the scenes. 3 of them got sent to do a radio show. The pretty girl midget was chosen to go over the fat girl dwarf. So that resulted into them arguing over half the show and not working well together.

Secondly… its the first episode and the company is already going under. That happens to a lot of reality show companies. Maybe that’s why they agree to a TV deal. Its revealed that the owner is paying everything out of pocket and everything is maxed out. It makes me wonder how much he actually spends per show when they all travel together and their ring is a lot smaller than the normal ring.

Third… their “top star” gets fired out of spite on the first episode. The top star they also bury as being terrible and phoning it in at a big match. A big match that opened the show.

Finally they start with only 6 wrestlers (2 women 4 men). Then they use the radio promotion to say they’ve got open casting calls and they pick up 1 wrestler and 1 vallet. The other workers then feel shitty because the owner Johnny G wants to expand the roster to 8. What the hell? Is there something written saying there must be 6 workers in that promotion? What a bunch of bitches. Is it because the RV is too crowded already?

They make it seem on the show this guy was just thrown out in a match without even meeting the crew. That seems a little strange that no one would see him backstage and wonder who’s he…

The new wrestler they hired ends up having a disasterous match where he freezes up. So then Hulk Hogan makes an inpromptu head shaving stipulation during the match. He just so happens to have the trimmers right there. The new guy later quits saying that he’s not at MCW’s level… well that’s not saying much considering even the promoter says how bad that first show was.

By the way, this inagural show was at Panama spring break 2011, so this show has been 6 months in the making before it came to television. More importantly than that… Hulk Hogan signed on 6 months ago.

Since this is a reality show they spliced match clips with clips of Brian Knobbs, Hulk Hogan and Johnny G saying how bad the matches were. They mention how the fans got bored with the second match in. Quite honestly midget wrestling isn’t supposed to be 5 stars. Its a special attraction like a magician at a party. I’m sure there are some midget wrestlers that can work good matches, but they’re probably few and far between.

This was a demonstration in everything wrong. Good job. I’ve learned what not to do.

WWE ’12 Misses the Boat on Special Edition (here’s some better content I’d put in)

For those that don’t know, WWE’s latest video game WWE ’12 will have a special “People’s Edition” with Rock on the cover. For an extra $10 ($70) you will get…

WWE ’12 “The People’s Edition” includes:

  • Unique foil sleeve cover packaging featuring The Great One.
  • WWE ’12 videogame including The Rock playable in-game character.
  • Exclusive WWE Blu-Ray/DVD (depending on platform type) featuring The Rock’s must-see WWE Raw appearances from February 14, 2011 and April 4, 2011, including his highly anticipated return to WWE and the moment his WrestleMania XXVIII match with John Cena was made official. Produced by the WWE for The People’s Edition!
  • Exclusive foil Topps trading card featuring The Rock.
  • Electrifying photograph of The Rock.

Wow… that’s pretty bland… I’d throw in an extra storyline mode… the People’s storyline that takes players through the Rock’s Hayday over a year. Complete with HHH, Mankind, Austin and the Big Show in their old attires. You don’t even need to have any one of them doing voice overs. It would make that version of the game feel special instead of just a different coat of paint on the same game. Maybe videos spliced in of promos building up to the matches in there either building to their real life matches or retrospective interviews with everyone about the match you’re about to play through.

That might take a whole day or two for THQ designers to make and add to the special edition.

I also think they really should have 3 editions… 1 standard, 2 specials (Cena & Rock) where if you combine the 3 covers it makes one long cover. They could sell more copies of the game that way, because Mortal Kombat has done special editions with 4 covers and they all sell. Collectors go out of their way. Imagine… $60 for standard + 2 * $70 for special editions. Just for a COVER. People will buy it… $200! That will look good for your game sales when these WWE games haven’t sold too well since WWE ‘8 (Smackdown vs RAW 2008) .